Watch, Look & Listen with Cheeky McB

A sideways look at everything around us that tries to entertain our feeble little minds. Anything written here is either a personal opinion, a failed attempt at humour, part of my world domination plan or none of the above…

Draft Collector: I’ve started so I should finish

Due to a previous bad habit of thinking of interesting ideas for articles/blog posts and subsequently forgetting them because I wasn’t in the mood, or have the sufficient time to allocate to write a whole article I started to do my utmost to get the idea written down. I did this using the “drafts” feature and whether it be a snappy title, a few opening lines or a rough outline I succeeded in the most part. I succeeded too well!

I ended up with a vast collection of starts and few finished. I nearly reached a half-century of drafts. The ironic thing is that this article has been just a (very descriptive) title since June!

What happened? Well I might have been successful at collating my ideas but I was never finding the time to flesh them out into a finished article.

For the most part they are not time sensitive so there is no rush, but a few have missed my intended release window and will have to be re-purposed. I can’t envisage any of them being dumped entirely so my time won’t have been completely wasted. Time can give you time to reflect and maybe even have a change of opinion, it rarely is a bad thing and usually results in a better written piece.

So although I’ve developed a substantial pile of ideas it is not a bad thing, not if they eventually are completed. I bet you can’t wait…I can apparently.

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This entry was posted on September 5, 2012 by in Habits, Writing.